Can’t figure out why our family cat Uniqlo loves to climb this type of tree, I’m just wondering why our cat climb trees in the first place. Just a few ideas from my personal friends: firstly, they climb up for safety, that’s one I’ve been thinking about. Secondly, it’s just a fun thing to test their skills and thirdly, it’s a good spot to watch for a good prey. Great answers from you guys, Thank you!
I’m already used to it, I think, it’s just a normal behavior for Uniqlo unlike other cats that they climb everything in their path and once they are up, they can’t come down, it’s hard for them to maneuver downward. One good thing, it’s easier for Uniqlo to come down because it’s a good climbing route, it’s just a med-sized sugar-apple tree or sweetsop, a widely grown native tree and we call it ‘’atis’’ in the Philippines.
Ascending and descending climbing from start to finish. Here are some photos of Uniqlo climbing a Sugar-Apple or Sweetsop tree upward and going downward.

Up there, it looks like it’s a place for relaxing. Just like humans, Uniqlo wants to connect and interact with nature…..
Thank you for reading my blog, just a simple note down there makes me happy. See you next posts!