My Indoor and Outdoor Photography | Travel and Adventure

Photography Elements and Application

By on May 28, 2018

Even the simplest things in life, we photographed the sunrise and sunset from the beginning of day to the end. Others in between, we also photographed landscape, people, events, site of natural disasters, wildlife, beauty spots, war photos and forensic matters, just to name a few..  

I would like to begin outdoors. Outdoor photography is so much fun, much more to take interesting subjects of life and nature as we observed much about what’s happening around, about people, places and things. Through photographs, it has the power to show us the real images much more to understand life itself.

Following my own photography assignment everyday, I cannot go out without my camera, (Smart phone as one good option) it’s already a part of long time ago up to the present. I’ve captured a handful scenes of summer indoor and outdoor photography, these pictures includes landscape, vacation scenes, wildlife snapshots done in  a bright and foggy condition. The result of each or the outcome depends upon the weather condition  and time of the day.

Of all images, one best memorable shot goes to the bearer, surely this would be the  best advantage to see full transformation. To document yourself as part of your own personal record, you may start it from the beginning of life up to aged and soon.. never to mention the end of time. If you have images from birth up to the present, all photographs serves as a personal history record of your transformation from day one to the end of time. I’m sure the long years of collecting pictures would be your long lived effort as you fade with the time.

Photography is a process in which an image is produced by the action of visible light and it is also a learning process as you go on with it. In the past, I’ve discovered something about insect behavior that wasn’t even written in any book, I can see by myself now the value of what I’m doing, it will give more understanding and information as it also serves as add on to the things I’ve already learned from the past.

Here are the images taken lately, I would like to begin with images done outdoors in a broad daylight followed by nightlight. Other photos, from dawn to dusk.

A wide freedom to choose the best subject to shoot. Whatever the subject, all photographs tends to create a different mood upon seeing it. May it be remarkable, beautiful, romantic, magnificent, lonely setting or a gloomy one. I don’t have gloomy images here but I’m 100% sure astronomer has it. A photo is not always at its best but to admire and appreciate is just a matter of personal taste.

Some photographs here fully done in horizontal format, holding the camera horizontally is much easier than vertical one, I’m sure we all know the basic functions. It all depends, horizontal format is good for landscape photos however, vertical format suggests high rise buildings and a tower.

Sports photography

Flyboarding Jumeirah Dubai ( Hydro water sports) an amazing water show but extremely a dangerous stunt. Picture above and my present featured image are the rarest to capture.

3-D Photography (Three-dimentional) the art and beauty appeared to be natural. Most feared photo but I admired.

Underwater Photography Puerto Galera Oriental Mindoro

Meet my model subject: the Snorkelers  HJ and GGG

The most challenging photography because you need to be a good diver and photographer at the same time. It’s very hard to keep camera steady underwater,You can only get successful pictures if the visibility is good. Points to consider;  clear water and sunny day is the most favorable from 10 am to 1 pm

Night Photography

Capturing beautiful fireworks exploding in night sky of Manila Bay. Photo taken during the  Philippine International Pyromusical Competition at SM Mall of Asia Complex.

Photography Above Ground

These 2 photos was actually captured from airplane window during a flight from Sydney Australia. It takes a great deal of luck to photograph from aircraft  as you know photographing through a plastic window degrades the quality. I’m lucky to have both the bright sky clouds and the sunset, cool!

Capturing the sunset through a plastic window of an aircraft. You can clearly see here the beautiful colors of the sun above dark clouds. A very rare chance to capture these 2 photos from above.

Landscape photography

Sydney Harbour Bridge is a wide steel arch bridge. Below Harbour Bridge is the Sydney Opera House and from the left is Luna Park, the 3 most popular Sydney attractions. Photo taken at Sydney, Australia

Beside the West Lake in Hangzhou, China. Famous West Lake is a man-made lake located in the city proper of Hangzhou,

St. Jerome Parish Church of  Morong, Rizal is a beautiful example of Baroque architecture. Photography to be the old traces of the past is very much alive!

Gigantic Monkey Statue of Isdaan Floating Restaurant Calauan, Laguna

Thailand scene in the Philippines, the Giant Statue of Isdaan Floating Restaurant Calauan, Laguna,

A good example of Chinese temple architecture. Hwa Chong Temple of Buddha is a Buddhist temple place of worship.

Reflections of the sunset through my pineapple juice is a very dramatic element at sunset time. Photo taken at Cloud Nine Antipolo city

Basilica de San Martin de Tours is Asia’s largest church and the oldest Church in Taal, Batangas. I took this aerial view of Basilica from the Bell Tower.

The beauty of Boracay, the most photographed beach in the Philippines and was awarded ”Traveler’s Choice 2011”  This photo of beautiful beach as shown with detailed effects, the shadow of the 2 girls from the clear water. Photo taken at Boracay Island, Aklan Philippines

Sunset photography

The beautiful Harbour view sunset Harbor view Roxas Boulevard Manila. Best spot to capture the sunset.

The lone fisherman sitting on a rock is a lonely feature as the background tends to be a gloomy atmosphere. The broad and lonely setting will change your mood.  Photo taken during our Manila Bay Cruise, Sun Cruises, Manila

Gondola ride at Venice Grand Canal Mall, McKinley Hill, Taguig City. Truly a grand and elegant mall.

The easiest to capture Marvel Super hero. If you are a fan of super heroes from the comic book, you will love this! This is an old parade standby platform. Picture taken during one of my morning visit to the Butterfly Garden of Rainforest Park.

What should I do when I get bored? Well, I will continue to pursue my hobby, I will shoot the carpenter bees, they are the easiest and nearest to home but if I’m busy, admittedly, I will miss the precise schedule of my daily routine.

After hot summer and here comes the rainy days,I’m running out of time to complete all images for publishing, need to maximize more time. My patience is being tested to do all these things. Doing all these things to give justice to all beautiful things in life, I’m recording it to preserve such moments. I’m sure, my efforts is no great deal goes to waste. I wish to show sharp edges and fine details, quality pictures is very important to document reality of life.

Drop a note to brighten my day!
Thank you! 

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Recipes for busy moms/Fruits/Desserts/Salad/Decorative Ideas

Biggest and the Longest Avocado I’ve Ever Seen

By on March 15, 2018

I haven’t seen a fruit like these before, it was exceptionally long and big avocado ! I was lucky to discover such a huge one. Awesome! It was shiny greenish skin, firm and hard fresh. When I bought it, it was still hard and green, it aren’t ripe yet. Day after, the color starts turning into a reddish one and the next day, it was already dark reddish and purple in color. That means, it was already perfectly ripe. However, some varieties when ripen stays the same in color but this one undergoes color changes.

Avocado is good when ripened on and off the tree. Ripening affect the flavor and texture so, it is good to eat when it is still firm and perfectly ripe. When underripe, it tastes bitter, however, when overripe, starts to become soft and the taste you might not like it. For a sweeter version, it is best eaten raw with honey and all purpose cream. Others, they like to eat it with a full cream chocolate milk. Other uses; avocado is good for snacks, salads, soup, sandwich, dressing and sauces.

Avocados nutrition facts is good. It is rich in potassium and vitamins. It is also very rich in fat and high in calories. My dietitian always reminds me of some benefits you can get with it and at the same time, it is bad to people with high cholesterol level and high blood pressure. You must also think of what you can get for the calories that counts also, just eat moderately to be safe.

Here’s the funny thing, I’ve measured it with a piece of foot rule, one foot in length or 12 in inches I’m curious, I want to find out how long?

Got 2 big avocados to measure. Amazing! You can see the foot rule here in between 2 avocados. The foot rule is by inches and centimeters. The measurement of one avocado is 12 inches in length while the other one is merely closer.

Viewing per piece, both avocados has tapered neck and this one is longer than the other one.

It was completely ripe inside, the color is just right, the flavor is perfectly great. The big size is just enough for the whole family to enjoy. Now, I want to prepare something using these fruits, there were many uses and what I have in mind is to make Avocado shake.

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Events/ Holidays/ Special Occasions | My Indoor and Outdoor Photography

Happy Valentine’s Day 2018

By on February 13, 2018

It’s a practice believed that roses are  spice of love and soon it brings a spice for life, Clearly, it’s a symbol of love. Me, myself still receiving the same kind of flowers from the same person up to the present. It’s just like saying, I’m still lovely and sweet after all these years, honestly speaking and not to be proud off, still I am! LOL!

When getting to know more about someone, giving roses is a great way to catch attention or, you may want to start a relationship all over again. I’m sure you’ll earn a good impression while it lasts.

Here’s Live Life and Love wishing you all, ”Happy Valentine’s day”

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Gardening/Greenery/Garden Insects

Hibiscus Rosa Sinensis-Single Flower

By on August 8, 2016

Flowers adds beauty to any garden especially if it blends with other flowering trees, plants and rocks effectively.To most people prefer to collect flowering plants as stunning displays to enjoy the greenery with a surprising variety of colors flourishing under the sun or partly shaded. Selection of flowering plants must be suitable to every garden, great growth and greater number of blooms if it will extend the flowering season is the best choice that could simply makes a beautiful landscape.

Better than the rest to consider, Hibiscus or Rose Mallow or Chinese rose (Rosa-Sinensis)  is known as ”Gumamela in the Philippines, shrubs up to 15 feet tall that could reach 3 feet tall for summering outdoors with green leaves. The bell flaring petals with a distinctive column of yellow stamen. Although not sweetly scented, Hibiscus is  extremely an attractive blooming plant with delightful flowers for indoor and outdoor enjoyment that could possibly live for many years with care because it can withstand even if the soil is excessively dry.

Nowadays, color range is very wide, probably greater than any other flowers self colors, multi-colors and binocolors are now available in innumerable shades. The most commonly available varieties and rare kinds of Hibiscus colors; pink blooms, salmon, fuchsia, purple, blue, orange, lavender,  peach, red and red-orange. To my wide research, Like roses, flowers of hibiscus plants can be made into a hot tea for stomach pain, cancer and weight loss.

Pictures of Single Flower- Hibiscus Rosa Sinensis


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Light Pink Hibiscus flower against the blue sky with clouds


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Deep Red Hibiscus commonly called as Chinese hibiscus”The Rose of China”

Some are more vigorous with better blooms, they flower profusely and more freely. To plant something like this type is all worth it, it gives bright colors to your surroundings.

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White Hibiscus Flower centered with pink color

This one would suggest to myself, maintained on a dry side seems not too laborous that even live beautifully around.

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Dark Pink Hibiscus Flower with fuchsia centers and white veins



Dark Orange Hibiscus centered with pink



Dark and Light pink Hibiscus with red centers



Yellow-Orange Hibiscus with red centers


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Deep Red Hibiscus Flower makes a stunning appeal.


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Peach Hibiscus Flower A fine example, resembling somewhat like a butterfly


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Yellow Hibiscus Flower with deep red centered. Some petals burned by much higher light level outdoor. They should be set in a good spot that provides light shade or filtered sunlight during the hot part of the day.

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Not shielded from high winds, windy spots can whipped and damage the petals but windy areas is a permanent summer location. You can see details as shown above the damaged petals from strong wind.(Right side petals)

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Yellow-Orange Hibiscus Flower with drops of water on petals. The spay of water garden hose to freshen the plant in order to function normally.

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Lavender Hibiscus Flower centered with dark pink color and wrinkled petals. It’s quiet a rare one

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Dark Pink Hibiscus Flower


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Light Fuchsia Hibiscus Flower seems to be a lovely one.


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Yellow Hibiscus Flower with orange dots at the center part


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 Fuchsia-Pink Hibiscus Flower  centered with red.


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Yellow-Orange Hibiscus Flower with the view of the sun rays.


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Yellow Orange Hibiscus Flower


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Yellow Hibiscus Flower with deep red centered

Hibiscus are ideally suited for use in and landscaping designs, from borders to park entrance. The display of flowers brightly blooming from summer to spring. Hibiscus flowers are spectacular as proof shown.

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Gardening/Greenery/Garden Insects

Summer Gardening

By on July 25, 2016


I’ve always been curious about doing gardening around,I was even more interested in collecting and planting flowering plants in the backyard although our backyard garden is not so spacious. I’ve mixed the flowering plants, fruit trees and vegetables together as one. With too much effort to deal with it, I was much excited to see the result as photography plays a very important role to my morning pleasure.

Last summer, I bought some gardening materials and seeds before summering gardening started but many of our house plants kept indoors  to control the light level but, light outdoors are never been great as outdoors. I’ve observed they seems to grow more slowly and need a special care.

It’s rainy season now, Some of our flowering plants drops most of its leaves and flowers turned yellow and very pale. Is it over watering? I really thought it would stay longer like a promising healthy plants I’ve seen around in garden parks. Different flowering plant needs different kind of care like watering, kind of soil and sunlight. Not to mention the night cool temperature and temperate level. That’s tough to handle, huh! I don’t really care,it’s my own and I was much inspired to see the fruit of my effort.

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Gardening/Greenery/Garden Insects | My Indoor and Outdoor Photography

Lantana Flower

By on July 14, 2015

Maintaining your own garden and plant your own desired flowering plants, all those various gardening works and efforts will rewards you with colorful blooms. One choice which is good in the garden is Lantana.

Lantana– has a woody shrubs and rough leaves with brightly colored flowers. Many varieties such as ;pink,violet,white,yellow,light red and the combination of 3 colors in the same clusters.Just like the sunflowers,they grow in full sun.Good as floorer,patio display,hanging and window baskets.

Different Colors of Lantana Flower

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Gardening/Greenery/Garden Insects | Wildlife/Animals/Pets


By on March 26, 2014

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Private hawk moth

The kind of moth that will come as something of a surprise, it’s another night flyer, a private hawk moth  found  near the garden decorative light. Just like other moths, I guess this moth was attracted to the garden lights. I’ve observed that  hindwing is more attractive and colorful than the forewing.  I’ve never seen one like this before. You can only see the color of the hindwings while flying. That makes it completely different to that of the butterfly, the butterfly forewing and hindwing colors are the same. I simply believed, our garden here is a natural one housing all different kinds of insects. Perhaps, without these insects, it wouldn’t be a garden anymore.

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The private hawk moth hindwing is partly hidden. You can see the dark pink and light pink dotted combination of the hindwings.

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The natural color of the forewings.

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