My Indoor and Outdoor Photography | Travel and Adventure

Railway Tracks Along the Cliff

By on April 3, 2019

A series of tall mountain chains covered with dense forest and below is a passageway railway track that runs straight through a tunnel inside the mountain. One of the most extraordinary railways track I’ve ever seen. According to an early account, the North Link Railway in Taiwan is one of the world’s most spectacular railroad and pleasingly agree with it as rail route through high steep mountain terrain.

The North Link Railway, one of the major construction projects that began in December of 1973 and the complete line was opened February of 1980, that was 7 years after. 20 workers lost their lives in the course of construction.The railway line connects link between Yilan and Hualien and directly to Taidong, it passes through winding roads and high steep terrain by means of a number of tunnels. Out of 15 tunnels, one tunnel takes 12 minutes for the train to pass through the longest tunnel. The railway will take you to your destination by train cutting travel time. From Suao to Hualien is just two hours compared to four hours before the construction. For the tourists, you’ll enjoy riding between tunnels to tunnels.

The scenery around folds dip into all directions backed by high steep cliffs.

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