Gardening/Greenery/Garden Insects | My Indoor and Outdoor Photography

Dahlia Hybrids

February 22, 2018

Following our family vacation previously, I had focused my attention on all exciting enhancements during that time and much more to something which is more relaxing and pleasing to the eye. Our itinerary doesn’t only just cover delicious foods and luxury comfort, it also includes must- sees garden flowers too.

Eagerly to show what I’ve acquired in the course of my Baguio tour, the splash of flowers and attractive features, this is something that gives identity to a certain place,’’Botanical garden of Baguio’’ the field of blooming flowers and an outstanding park for the dahlias. The best series of dahlias can be seen around minus the fragrance as a notable exception, you can also see here all the growing species in a cooler environment and my free time to appreciate is limitless.

The scene satisfies my cravings to photograph everything. One of the great things that I love is photography no matter if it’s indoor or outdoor location is considerably an overwhelming hobby. It took an hour to finished,  shows my expression of love for the flowers and it leaves unforgettable memories to remember.

Pleasingly beautiful to the point of my interest, my top choices  are the dahlia flowers. I’ve completed all the varieties from single to the large ones. If you like beautiful flowers, you’ll surely love these dahlias!

Types of Dahlias

Dahlia flower- are sun lovers and  tender perennials forming tuberous roots. They are fast growing plant that comes in every color carried on long stems above erect plants and classified by both size and type from the big-sized dinner-plate varieties down to the midget pompoms. Wild species were the first introduced in the British Isles.  Dahlias are very useful in flower arrangement and garden decoration, they are graceful landscape plants and good for borders and mass planting.

Single-flowered dahlia – Single blooms, having one row of smooth ray florets surrounding a central disk.

Peony-flowered dahlia- having two to three rows of broad and usually flat petals           surrounding a central disk.

Decorative dinner plate dahlia – A huge plate-sized blooms.

Informal decorative dahlia

Formal decorative dahlia – The double flowers have broad petals which are normally flat and sometimes slightly twisted and bluntly pointed or rounded at the tips. This class covers a wide range similar to pompom and cactus.

Twisted dahlia – Florets are twisted and curved.

Collarette dahlia – Brightly colored flowers with one or more rings of flat ray florets, the ring collar of smaller florets about half of the ray florets.

Bi-colored dahlia

Double show and Fancy dahlia – Fully double and almost globular in shape. The central florets slightly smaller than the outer florets. The show types are self-colored while the fancy types are bi-colored and variegated. One of the oldest classes.

Cactus dahlia

Cactus dahlia – are very popular for flower arrangement,  show no disk and fully double flowers have a straight or in curving petals that tends to be narrow and pointed star-like appearance.

Waterlily dahlia

Orchid-flowered dahlia

Note: (Not available at the moment, to be added soon. Pompom dahlia, Orchid dahlia, Anemone-flowered dahlia, Star-flowered dahlia, Miscellaneous…)

The botanical garden has an area specifically designed for dahlias only. In the Philippines, you can find the best hybrid varieties in Baguio and Tagaytay, the two largest flower producers in the country. Most dahlias we grow today are the product of botanist and gardener’s breeding effort.

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