My Indoor and Outdoor Photography | Wildlife/Animals/Pets

Bird Grooming

By on October 26, 2012

To start the day the same way like humans do,the tree sparrows grouped and groomed themselves early in the morning for a cleaning session.It’s a health habit, generally,a daily routine practice that produces a clean and healthy impression for them.They clean themselves by preening their feathers with their beaks to remove the dust,pollen,ticks and fleas. Good grooming for birds is a sort of a dry cleaning spa.

Just like humans, getting the help of the beautician for manicure,pedicure,hot oil and hair re-bonding that you can relax, be clean and be beautiful.How long will it takes ? Golly! For the tree sparrows, it takes about 3 minutes for a regular basis.However, after the feathers wet from rain,it takes longer than expected, almost 3 minutes to clean them.

I’m enjoying watching their grooming movements but, I have developed a strange feeling, I feel itchy to see them scratching all over. It seems to make them cool as the days gets longer and warmer.Here’s some images on how birds clean themselves.

The physical changes before and after the bird grooming

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Numbers of  tree sparrows fluttered. Before the cleaning,they sang among the high branches of  the dried Chico tree,but, it seems they are restless and untidy.

This is how tree sparrows clean themselves.This is an itchy movement.


After the cleaning. Looking smart and presentable. Their feathers are shiny and well-trimmed.Because of my kind treatment to these birds,giving them feeds everyday,they became rapidly tamed.

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