Gardening/Greenery/Garden Insects | My Indoor and Outdoor Photography


By on May 22, 2014

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Gray Wagtail

How wonderful to see and welcome my morning visitors in the garden.It gives me the right energy in the morning. Love that charming movement and the beautiful sound of songbirds around.

Commonly seen birds in the garden are the Woodpeckers,Tree sparrows, Humming bird and the Gray wagtail. Tree sparrows has Grey brown upper parts with white  cheeks underparts.  Other familiar species are present although some are beneath the roof too.I don’t know their names, it appears to be like House Martin. For now, I can’t remember any clues of identity to some that was seen before.

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My garden visitor 

Soon, I will care to place a good tree as nesting site and shelter for the birds as well as a big  container for bird’s bath. The old chico tree has dried up, still looking for a good replacement. Some sparrows prefer to feed on the ground, the scrap of foods intended for the dogs are welcomed by most birds around. Lots of birds will adore my surrounding because it is a feeding ground for them, the presence of  wild red berries that produces a sweet juicy fruit usually attracts the birds to come indoors. The fruit berries not only for the birds, they are safe for children to eat.

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Gardening/Greenery/Garden Insects | My Indoor and Outdoor Photography | Wildlife/Animals/Pets


By on October 18, 2012

Our frequent visitor everyday; the tree sparrows and the gray wagtail birds.They come everyday for a red treat! The Manzanita tree will provide the fruit treat,a sweet red fruit that they enjoy. Being familiar with them, gave me the opportunity to get closer without using blinds to deceive them.It was just a natural thing with their free will  to get in touch with me closer than expected. It seems, they are already used to my presence everyday but, what irritates me most is the noisy sound they produced,It sounds like a rattle shaking with hard stones inside. It was really very annoying and, disturbing to the brain. Despite these things going on around, I will consider to get  some few shots today. I was inside the bedroom photographing through the window for a close range. I was even fascinated with the outcome of the close-up shots.It was natural in color.This is the good thing of being familiar with the birds behavior and activities. I don’t need to trail their time and location,they are very near to my sight. Gray wagtail bird is one of the most common bird in the Philippines. It is distinguished by his gray color and the long tail that wags. Just a few close-up shots!

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