Gardening/Greenery/Garden Insects

Hibiscus Rosa Sinensis-Single Flower

By on August 8, 2016

Flowers adds beauty to any garden especially if it blends with other flowering trees, plants and rocks effectively.To most people prefer to collect flowering plants as stunning displays to enjoy the greenery with a surprising variety of colors flourishing under the sun or partly shaded. Selection of flowering plants must be suitable to every garden, great growth and greater number of blooms if it will extend the flowering season is the best choice that could simply makes a beautiful landscape.

Better than the rest to consider, Hibiscus or Rose Mallow or Chinese rose (Rosa-Sinensis)  is known as ”Gumamela in the Philippines, shrubs up to 15 feet tall that could reach 3 feet tall for summering outdoors with green leaves. The bell flaring petals with a distinctive column of yellow stamen. Although not sweetly scented, Hibiscus is  extremely an attractive blooming plant with delightful flowers for indoor and outdoor enjoyment that could possibly live for many years with care because it can withstand even if the soil is excessively dry.

Nowadays, color range is very wide, probably greater than any other flowers self colors, multi-colors and binocolors are now available in innumerable shades. The most commonly available varieties and rare kinds of Hibiscus colors; pink blooms, salmon, fuchsia, purple, blue, orange, lavender,  peach, red and red-orange. To my wide research, Like roses, flowers of hibiscus plants can be made into a hot tea for stomach pain, cancer and weight loss.

Pictures of Single Flower- Hibiscus Rosa Sinensis


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Light Pink Hibiscus flower against the blue sky with clouds


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Deep Red Hibiscus commonly called as Chinese hibiscus”The Rose of China”

Some are more vigorous with better blooms, they flower profusely and more freely. To plant something like this type is all worth it, it gives bright colors to your surroundings.

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White Hibiscus Flower centered with pink color

This one would suggest to myself, maintained on a dry side seems not too laborous that even live beautifully around.

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Dark Pink Hibiscus Flower with fuchsia centers and white veins



Dark Orange Hibiscus centered with pink



Dark and Light pink Hibiscus with red centers



Yellow-Orange Hibiscus with red centers


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Deep Red Hibiscus Flower makes a stunning appeal.


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Peach Hibiscus Flower A fine example, resembling somewhat like a butterfly


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Yellow Hibiscus Flower with deep red centered. Some petals burned by much higher light level outdoor. They should be set in a good spot that provides light shade or filtered sunlight during the hot part of the day.

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Not shielded from high winds, windy spots can whipped and damage the petals but windy areas is a permanent summer location. You can see details as shown above the damaged petals from strong wind.(Right side petals)

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Yellow-Orange Hibiscus Flower with drops of water on petals. The spay of water garden hose to freshen the plant in order to function normally.

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Lavender Hibiscus Flower centered with dark pink color and wrinkled petals. It’s quiet a rare one

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Dark Pink Hibiscus Flower


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Light Fuchsia Hibiscus Flower seems to be a lovely one.


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Yellow Hibiscus Flower with orange dots at the center part


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 Fuchsia-Pink Hibiscus Flower  centered with red.


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Yellow-Orange Hibiscus Flower with the view of the sun rays.


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Yellow Orange Hibiscus Flower


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Yellow Hibiscus Flower with deep red centered

Hibiscus are ideally suited for use in and landscaping designs, from borders to park entrance. The display of flowers brightly blooming from summer to spring. Hibiscus flowers are spectacular as proof shown.

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Gardening/Greenery/Garden Insects

Summer Gardening

By on July 25, 2016


I’ve always been curious about doing gardening around,I was even more interested in collecting and planting flowering plants in the backyard although our backyard garden is not so spacious. I’ve mixed the flowering plants, fruit trees and vegetables together as one. With too much effort to deal with it, I was much excited to see the result as photography plays a very important role to my morning pleasure.

Last summer, I bought some gardening materials and seeds before summering gardening started but many of our house plants kept indoors  to control the light level but, light outdoors are never been great as outdoors. I’ve observed they seems to grow more slowly and need a special care.

It’s rainy season now, Some of our flowering plants drops most of its leaves and flowers turned yellow and very pale. Is it over watering? I really thought it would stay longer like a promising healthy plants I’ve seen around in garden parks. Different flowering plant needs different kind of care like watering, kind of soil and sunlight. Not to mention the night cool temperature and temperate level. That’s tough to handle, huh! I don’t really care,it’s my own and I was much inspired to see the fruit of my effort.

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Gardening/Greenery/Garden Insects | My Indoor and Outdoor Photography

Lantana Flower

By on July 14, 2015

Maintaining your own garden and plant your own desired flowering plants, all those various gardening works and efforts will rewards you with colorful blooms. One choice which is good in the garden is Lantana.

Lantana– has a woody shrubs and rough leaves with brightly colored flowers. Many varieties such as ;pink,violet,white,yellow,light red and the combination of 3 colors in the same clusters.Just like the sunflowers,they grow in full sun.Good as floorer,patio display,hanging and window baskets.

Different Colors of Lantana Flower

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About the Author

About the Author

By on October 6, 2011

Welcome to Live, Life and Love Hi! I’m Mari. My blog is all about me, my experience, wildlife, photography, travel and adventure, culture, tradition and other people that will give you a better perspective of the time in which you live. In here, You’ll discover the things I love most and passionate about, it was a clearer picture me. I just want to treat myself  happy with the things around, appreciating and embracing different elements drawing from my experience. Definitely, I’m learning from it.

I usually focus to more educational and informative topics expressing my own thoughts using my own words, ideas, and honest statements. Included here are my collection of facts and dreams with beautiful photographs to make it visible for your inspiration and browsing pleasure to inspire you day after day.

I would like to share my stories with the world, with photographs that will serve as a support to see and understand details of what is being described. This is  to share reality and speak from experience whether, it is something new or unfamiliar,not stories have been retold many times.To see the photograph itself, you can surely make your own thoughts and my feelings visible to share with you and my  site serves to store my thoughts and ideas. Of course, I can tell a lot of things by looking at the photographs alone following my explanation to achieve my purpose  even though,  photographs can speaks for itself, the author can simply fill up the missing part of it.

This is what I want to do in my life, to write, share my learning and stories to make you a part of it. When you come to know more about yourself, you’ll know what you can offer to the world. This is what I can offer to you!

I feel great to share with you not only my interesting stories but also to inspire you viewing  spectacular and timeless photos. Read my articles about  the birds, with my conservation message,and my lifelong dedication and contribution to wildlife.Thank you readers for the positive feedback.I have learned a lot from you. I will post 3 to 4x a week.

If you have concerns and suggestions,I want to hear from you.

Feel free to contact me

Note:  If there is any oversight may have been made is unintentional and will be corrected.  If there is any resemblance to any actual place, events, locales or persons is entirely coincidental.

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Technology/ Learning Tips

Internet: Is it Helping?

By on May 30, 2011

Are you a compulsive internet user? Going online is easy but to log off is another story. In today’s technological age, It`s no longer a rare experience nowadays that most people find it hard to do so.

To be honest, I’m beginning to realize that I’m part of the group. This is a self- proclaimed but, I think it is not really a disorder, or not even officially disorder. I’m having a hard time separating myself from my computer especially when my work is unfinished. This doesn’t mean that I get angry and depressed when the power is off. The only thing matters is the sense of responsibility to finish the job.

The reason why? I loved to write and it is very convenient to do anything and everything on the Internet. Web has become a common place in my modern life, and I loved this kind of activities going on in my own website;  answering comments, twitter, forums, emailing, etc. It’s a part of my job, the line of work and responsibility to update everything. Without internet, there is something missing in my life.

I’ll just describe myself as a plain regular surfer but the time spent long hours was so stressful. aside from my motion injuries of my fingers and my dry tired eyes too. The webcams is adding more to the growing epidemic but I only use it if it really calls for it I do not visit social websites. I can control my own behavior without craving to go online regularly.

My answer to the question above is yes! In my own opinion, It helps a lot because it is a source of information but if you have no self-control will hooked and destroy you.  Some people may defend themselves and say” They will use it for researches”.  How about the effects next day? It will cost hours of sleep and rest, backpains, and neglecting time with family and friends. thus, surrendering your privacy to technology. This is the bad effects. It happens sometimes that seconds after I wake up, I’d want to go back to sleep again because I felt so tired and lazy to move around.

So far, I’m taking some steps to divide my online time with the real world to refrain from addicting forming. I don’t like the idea getting online to be addicted sitting infront of the computer for long hours. The good thing about real life is, You can feel the love and hugs with feelings of concern.  The real life is the thing that I have to face it because I can feel the excitement with personal interaction.It’s the reality of life. How about you? I just hope You can usually switch to offline activities without such angst.



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Technology/ Learning Tips

Opening of Classes/ School Days Again

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Children can’t wait for the opening of classes. They are anxious to see their old classmates and new teachers as well and proud  parents are happy to see them leave for school right? after, there would be a calm and free moment for the parents to rest and house would be more peaceful and organized after spending weeks of preparing for this.

As the school year starts, I’m very hopeful that this year 2011-2012  would be a better start. The good thing about it , We live in a place that happens to be near the school. Thanks God! The school is just 10 minutes drive away. I don’t experience any morning rush and stress but the only drawback living near the school is the heavy traffic congestion that happens around 6-7 in the morning and in the afternoon during dismissal time.

I always received text messages from friends about choosing a school for their child. I always tell them few factors to consider:’’ If you want to get a better education is to live in a convenient place near-by school” but as I know, not everyone can afford to live in an expensive neighborhood like; Valle Verde, Greenwoods,  Kapitolyo etc. One convenience of living few blocks away is I can save gas and energy too. Another thing to consider is the school facilities and educational approaches like; class size and classrooms, library, clean restrooms, modern technology to meet student special needs and demands, modern facilities. Although, it’s not a guarantee for higher achievement  but it helps.

If you are concerned parents? the most important is their safety of your kids. Exchanging views and opinions with friends can help you decide which one to follow. Our school have been hiking of portion fees( a percentage) but, added some services like: air-conditioned classrooms, special clubs, additional books, modern technologies,  etc. So don’t mind  prices of oil and commodities have rocketed together with tuition fees at the same time. Be private or public as long as you parents have done all you can in sending your kids to get a good education. Perhaps, it’s exciting to plan and think about their future if you are prepared and secured.

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