;Altering this number will cause the app to overwrite this file with defaults Version 1 [Gameplay] ;Number of autosaves to keep AutoSaveKeepCount 10 ;Number of turns between autosaves AutoSaveFrequency 1 ;Whether or not to automatically end a turn when no more actions are available. (0 = off) AutoEndTurn 0 ;Game history logging level, 0 = off GameHistoryLogLevel 0 ;Sequential Game history logging level, 0 = off GameHistorySequentialLogLevel 0 ;Skips movement animations, 0 = off QuickMovement 0 ;Skips combat animations, 0 = off QuickCombat 0 ;Enables always-on screen edge scrolling, 0 = off EdgePan 0 ;Log all AI systems, 0 = off AI_MasterLogging 1 ;AI city build plot analysis logging level, 0 = off AICityBuildPlotLog 0 ;AI settlement analysis logging level (very large), 0 = off AISettlementEvaluationLog 0 ;AI diplomatic action logging level, 0 = off AiDiplomaticActionLog 0 ;Removes the 'One More Turn' option after achieving a victory. DisableOneMoreTurn 0 ;if the plot tooltip follows the mouse cursor (0 = off) PlotToolTipFollowsMouse 1 ;Look at the local player's combat on their turn. (0 = off, 1 = move camera, 2 = move and zoom camera LookAtPlayerTurnCombat 2 ;Look at the local player's combat when not their turn. (0 = off, 1 = move camera, 2 = move and zoom camera LookAtPlayerOffTurnCombat 1 ;The zoom level to use for player turn combat, 0.0 to 1.0 LookAtPlayerTurnCombatZoomLevel 0.230000 ;The zoom level to use for player turn combat, 0.0 to 1.0 LookAtPlayerOffTurnCombatZoomLevel 0.500000 ;Does the selection auto cycle to the next available unit? (0 = no, 1 = yes) AutoUnitCycle 1 ;How the unit cycle determines the next closest unit to cycle to. 0 = Last closest, 1 = Closest of last two. UnitCycleProximityType 0 [Tutorial] ;Experience level of player for tutorial prompts (1 for full, 0 for some or -1 for none). TutorialLevel 0 ;Set to 1 if the user has chosen a tutorial level HasChosenTutorialLevel 1 [Multiplayer] ;Player name used during local network games. LANPlayerName [Logging] ;Enable network message logging NetMessageLogs 1 [Gameplay] ; Difficulty 0 ; Era 0 ; Attack 1 ; MiniMapZoom 0 ; GridOn 1 ;Set to 1 to see the path a unit will traverse. MovementPathOn 1 ; AllPathsOn 0 ; ClipCursor 1 ; AutoDeselect 0 ; PlayVignettes 1 ;Set to 1 to start games in strategic view. StartInStrategicView 0 ;Modifies how fast the camera moves to the target location during 'look-at' events. CameraLookAtTimeScale 1.000000 [Interface] ;In-Game Clock format (0 for 12-hour, 1 for 24-hour) ClockFormat 0