Restaurant Review

Dragon Fruit Bowl

By on October 12, 2017

Lazada Philippines

There are many ways of serving fruits, one attractive way of serving is to use the fruit shell itself, it is good not only for fruits but for vegetable salad too. The dragon fruit shell makes an attractive serving dish for fresh fruit salad. Instead of using glass bowl or cocktail glass I prefer to use the shell of the dragon fruit, one best advantage you can get, no more washing of glass wares needed.

A dragon fruit is a kind of fruit  traditionally identified by their colors and unique scaly skin. Compared to other fruits, the dragon fruit is better because the skin is quite soft and durable like a flexible rubber. The green scales and pink background of the skin makes it a perfect serving bowl.


Dragon fruit bowl with a folded  decorative umbrella

It is quiet easy to make this kind of fruit bowl. There’s no practice needed, first attempt is already perfect as long as you slice it neatly. Try it!

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Gardening/Greenery/Garden Insects | My Indoor and Outdoor Photography

Vinca Periwinkle

By on August 26, 2015

Vinca Periwinkle are tropical plants with  5 petaled flowers and dark green glossy leaves. The variety of colors from rosy pink to light pink, pure white, fuschia, purple, pink rose with rose eye and white with pink eye centers. Vincas are not scented flowers but  sunit looks brightly attractive under the, they can stand to the hot condition of full sun, humidity and dry soil too.

Just as good and ideal to the kind of climate we have here. I don’t control the overgrowth of vincas in the backyard even if they are over-crowded because it looks good. If you alternate the different color combinations, it gives a vibrant delight in the garden.

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